Well... San Francisco, it's been fun, motivating and challenging. We hope to be back soon and permanently. Now back to LA to finish finding the rest of the support team the Lord has prepared for us.
Well... San Francisco, it's been fun, motivating and challenging. We hope to be back soon and permanently. Now back to LA to finish finding the rest of the support team the Lord has prepared for us.
Today our team got to explore and get to know the city together, and I mean the whole city! Here Josh, Kyle and Matt enjoy a well deserved ice cream at the second best ice cream shop in the city, Bi- rite.
There are about 900,000 people living in San Francisco, a 7x7 mile area.
39% of those people were born outside the US. It really is a city with no cultural majority.
It has the second highest homeless population in the US.
1 in 5 males over the age of15 are gay.
20% of the city's population cycles out every year.
SF state mirrors the city's dynamics and less than 2% of the students there are Christian.
We are in San Francisco now! We met are team last night and they are amazing! Thanks for you're prayers. Today we will begin some work and planning. Here is a pic from my morning walk.
Well we are going to San Francisco but no there are no flowers in our hair. We will be up there for 5 days to meet the rest of our ministry team for the first time and to do some pre- school year prep. Please pray over our time there: That the members of our team will get some good time to connect and bond before the school year. That the Lord would guide our meetings and that we would be hearing from Him and His will for the school year. And that the Lord would refresh us and send us back to LA ready to finish up or support. You guys are great! Stay tuned for updates during the week!
Have you ever met anyone who doesn’t think Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World” commercials are awesome? You know the one: a bearded Hemmingway-esque man in a suit, sitting at a table in some exotic locale surrounded by beautiful local women. The narrator tells of his character as grainy 8mm video of him cliff diving and bull fighting play in the background, “The police often question him just because they find him interesting”, “He's a lover, not a fighter, but he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas".
The commercials tap into a sense of adventure and story most of us don’t experience in our own lives. We may have memories and moments of adventure but not a lifetimes worth. I’m reading a book about story right now and one of the author’s main points is that many of us don’t live a very good story. We can live a comfortable story without a lot of conflict and pretty one dimensional characters and wonder why life is so boring. I think I mostly agree with his sentiments.
But this idea of living a good story got me thinking of where Jesus fits into the picture. He is after all, the main character of the “greatest story ever told” and the center of our lives as believers. In fact one of the crazy things as Christians is that we get to enter into this ever expanding and seemingly never ending story of God as characters, each with a unique part to play…at least that’s what is supposed to happen.
I was reflecting this morning on how ‘boring’ a life with Jesus can seem and how this perception permeates both the Church and society in the West. Let’s be honest; for many people being a Christian means believing in the atonement, being as good as possible with the assurance of heaven in the end. To those on the outside looking in, being a Christian seems to be more closely intertwined with having a couple very strong political views and not getting drunk than it does with being a character in the story of Jesus. It is no wonder then, when people are not interested in talking or even thinking about Jesus. Why should they want Jesus if the story we as Christians are often telling is boring?
Think of Jesus in the Gospels, was he boring? Sure maybe in 21st century America the general consensus is Jesus was a some holier than thou dude who spoke in parables and platitudes about morality and some other stuff and definitely sounds mind numbingly dull but the Jesus of the Gospels isn’t anything like that! Do you think the disciples would have left everything so they could sit around listening to some soft-spoken guy telling them to “love the little children” while the big eyed Precious Moments cretins smiled angelically up at him? No way! Jesus was unexpected, he was exciting, he was healing people and casting out demons and arguing with the Pharisees and all the while he was claiming to be the climax of the generations long story of
And yet today the very mention of the name Jesus makes people zone out. It can make me zone out. There are weeks when I don’t understand or fully grasp the story I am in, when I forget I am actually in the story of Jesus, that I have an important part to play in the community and relationships around me. Usually those weeks are full of selfish pursuits trying to fill a sense of adventure and purpose I mistakenly think Jesus cannot fill. But then some weeks, some mornings like today I remember just how crazy it is to be a follower of Jesus. To believe that God entered into the world in human form in order to defeat death and evil once and for all, that he suffered and died, that he was fully human and fully God, that he rose from the dead, that one day he is going to return to Earth to fully rid the world of evil and heal all of Creation!? Even if you don’t believe it you have to admit it’s a pretty compelling story. And that’s just the story of Jesus; the rest of the story of God, humanity and the world offered in the Bible is just as compelling, just as mind blowing...but we often forget this…we often think of Jesus as a morality to obey, not an adventure to embark on. What’s a better story, a relationship or a set of rules?
Part of me wonders if the reason the Left Behind/Rapture theology is so popular in Western Christianity is because it offers a compelling narrative. We are going to be snatched up into heaven and then all hell is going to break lose on earth? That’s some pretty intense adventurous stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I think its all nonsense and a total misreading of Scripture but it sure is a good story. And maybe it’s because of this many people are so passionate about it. I wonder how many people think of the story of their daily lives walking as a follower of Jesus in today’s world in the same passionate way. I wonder how often I do. My guess is if I grasped the enormity of the story I was a part of, following Jesus would be infinitely more compelling and adventurous and wonderful and more alive.
We both graduated from UC Santa Barbara where God captured our hearts for him through Campus Crusade. After spending the last year in San Francisco, he also captured our hearts for the city and the students in it. We believe San Francisco is a city Jesus loves and is beginning to captivate & we are excited to have been called into campus ministry there.
1% of SFSU students claim to be Christian
Half of college students in San Francisco have never attended a church.
We are passionate about showing the love of Christ to today’s post-modern students. San Francisco is a city that desperately needs to see that Jesus has perfect love full of mercy & hope for all people, whether one is black, white, gay, straight, liberal, conservative, atheist, or a churchgoer. It is our hope to welcome students into a relationship with God & empower them with the skills, tools & faith they need to make an eternal impact.
The San Francisco City Limits Team has a vision to blend campus ministry with inner city ministry. Our team’s hope is that we will be able to share the love of Jesus with college students & invite Christians & non-Christians alike to join us as we minister to the poor, allowing them to see the mercy & love of Jesus lived out.