Our First Weeks In San Francisco
Finally, a moment to sit down and write! The past two weeks have been insanely busy (in a good way J). Alex and I, as you may remember from our last prayer letter, moved up to San Francisco two weeks ago and have been running around like crazy since then, adjusting to life, making our apartment feel like home, planning the semester with the rest of the City Cru staff team, meeting the students of SFSU and City Cru and just being in San Francisco. To say it has been hectic is an understatement. So here is a quick rundown of some highlights:
1) Moving in – I hate moving…it ruins your back, you get cuts and bruises all over your hands, you are dusty and sweaty all day and by the time bed rolls around you are almost too tired to move. This was us for 5 straight days the first week we were up here. We spend those days painting, unpacking, cleaning, putting Ikea furniture together, painting some more, eating and finally sleeping. Of course the good thing with moving is once you finish and your place feels like home there is a sense of accomplishment and joy that comes at the completion of project you have poured yourself into. Our place truly is OUR place now…and its all thanks to Alex’s interior design skills and my blind obedience to do whatever she told me to do ;)
2) SFSU – Monday morning was spent tabling on the San Francisco State campus, passing out free donuts and fair-trade coffee and connecting with students who came up to our table. Alex and I got to meet a good amount of students who are involved with our ministry and have some great spiritual conversations with those who came up to the table grab a donut and find out more about City Cru.
3) Staff Life – Meeting from 9-5 Tuesday thru Friday. So many meetings! Luckily our team (there are 8 of us) are awesome and our directors Chris and Christine were able to guide us as we planned a lot of the semester for our ministry. That includes outreaches, what we want students to learn about Jesus through our small group bible studies, how to incorporate and model a life and ministry centered on prayer to students, figuring out how to live out our faith through partnering with organizations who care for the poor and marginalized in the city, and a whole host of other things. They were exhausting days but necessary and good.
Alex and I are so excited to be here doing the work Jesus has called us into and are continually humbled and blessed by all of your prayers, support and friendship. We can’t wait to see what God does on the college campuses in San Francisco and we will be sure to keep you updated via this blog as often as we can. In the meantime, sorry for such a long post, thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray that Jesus captures the hearts of every student in San Francisco!!!

First Day Tomorrow!
Basically, we will be tabling in the main area of campus and trying to get the word out about City Cru to get students interested in coming to our weekly meetings, studies, etc./, which is really the first step, besides prayer, of some coming to know the Lord, awareness that there are people here who love Jesus and an opportunity for them to do the same.
So please keep us and the students in your prayers as we begin this new semester.
Romans 10:14
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?

San Diego Winter Conference 2010 images
A short 30 second video with some images of SFSU City Cru students and staff from this year's Winter Conference.