The School Year Has Begun!
Just finished tabling for the first week of school! Gave out a ton of free donuts and coffee and got into a lot of good convos with excited and bustling students. Thanks for all your prayers. Keep em' coming! We will need them as we are trying to get a room for our weekly meeting, setting up new small group bible studies and pursuing new ventures in the Latino, Asian American and African American Communities.
Love you all!
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Love you all!
*Not an SF State student. But he will do since I keep forgetting my camera! I promise I'm going to try and take more pics this year!

Back In The City, Back In The Fog
Somberness sometimes turns into a disagreeable mood, and a disagreeable mood sometime turns into depression all because the fog has a strange ability to slowly drain the hope out of me. This all sounds silly huh? Especially since I can drive 15 minutes to another part of the city and bask in all the UV I want. But that's just it, and that's just what hit me today.
I said to myself this morning, after taking in all the grayness my living room window let in, "Yes, but the sun is still shining." It started with the realization that the sun was still shining in other parts of the city, in other parts of the nation and even in other parts of the world, but then my realization went deeper. The sun is still shining here. In the Outer Richmond district of San Francisco, here at my house. The fog is merely shallow and fleeting. Yes it's here now, but it comes and goes and is powerless against wether the sun shines or not. For the sun will always shine whether I can see it or not. In fact, if it didn't I could not move or see at all and I would not live in a way that hopes to see it's rays. This thought filled me with a smidgen of joy.
For the Son always shines despite the fleeting reality of fog.
-A. Waidley