September September
Hello friends! I realize it has been a while since I have written an update about our life on this little corner of the internet and since I finally have an hour open on a weekday I was impelled to say hello and let you into our busy world.
Firstly, God has been moving in wonderful ways at San Francisco State . Despite our smaller team this year, the ministry continues to grow with new students entering the community each week. Our student leadership team we have written about in the past has been incredible, pouring themselves out to other students, giving of their time and energy in the first month of school. Jesus has been capturing the hearts of students who are excited and motivated to be his representatives at SFSU. We as a staff team have been doing our best to allow the Holy Spirit to lead the ministry exactly where He wants us to be, to follow Jesus’ vision for the campus, not our own. As such, we have been trying to launch and pioneer some new ministries and build relationships with different groups and communities on campus. We will update everyone with more information in the future but for now please pray that we can launch a Destino ministry this semester for Hispanic students and for Alex to continue to build friendships and bridges with the LGBT community.
Secondly, I like being real with you all and want you as our friends and supporters to be with us in the good and the hard periods in ministry. So, I must tell you in full disclosure that this past week was really hard for me personally to engage well in ministry. I think it was a combination of pushing hard at the beginning of the school year, speaking at our first two weekly meetings, constantly moving from one meeting to the next, spiritual attack, being in the city for a month straight, and a constant barrage of fog and gloomy weather (2 weeks straight until this past weekend) but I was emotionally drained which resulted in me feeling fairly selfish and joyless. It probably played out in my relationship with Alex more than anyone else but it was a tough reality to be faced with: that when I am spent and don’t rely on Jesus I am a selfish jerk, which when you think about it is the EXACT opposite of who Jesus is.
Thirdly, in a weird way, as I reflect on last week I am super thankful. It allowed me to take a look inward and realize how much I can’t rely on my own strength and gifts in ministry. It also reminded me of the joy a relationship with Christ brings, a joy made so much sweeter when you don’t experience it for a stretch. The past few days have been wonderful, sunny, joy filled and full of Jesus. Please continue to pray for both Alex and myself to be totally reliant on Him as our ministry continues to expand. We want to give of ourselves totally but also lay the ministry at the feet of God knowing it is HIS to do what He wants with.
Fourthly, one of the things that hit me this weekend was the joy of knowing we have people who love and care praying for us, supporting us, being in this ministry with us. Alex and I are so so thankful for all of you and I’m not sure if we’ve been vocal enough about it. Without you we could not be here in San Francisco trying to trust God for big things. Without you, quite frankly, we would not have the privilege of serving God here in the city. So thank you. We love you, we care deeply about you, we want to pray for you! So please let us know how, shoot us an email or give us a ring.
Josh and Alex