We've Moved!
Well, not apartments. Just websites. Our new site is thesanfranciscocall.com. I will be deleting this blog in a week or so. Click on over to the new website and subscribe via email or follow us via RSS to stay up to date with everything thats going on!
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A Great Way To Start The New Year
Winter Conference was great! A short(ish) list of things the Lord did in the lives of our students and our own lives over just 5 days. Thanks for your prayers!
1. A student who had been questioning his faith found answers to his questions and felt called strongly back into the arms of the Father
2. A Jewish student came know the Lord thanks to a couple of Jewish staff who love the Lord and were able to help him grapple with what it looks like to be Jewish and follow Christ
3. Students felt called strongly to missions over the summer
4. Students took big steps of faith in reaching out to their fellow friends and classmates back on campus by starting spiritual convos w/ them via facebook
5. Students responded strongly to the call to be intentional in reaching out to ethnic minorities on campus
6. Not yet believeing students heard the gospel and got to experience Christian community and pray with others
7. I (Alex) experienced healing after 8 years of dealing with an annoying ailment
8. We were able to raise well over $1,000 for The Orphan Scholarship Fund, a fund started by our movement at SF state that utilizes the gifting of our students and partnerships with other groups on campus to live out Christ and answer the call to care for orphans
9. Students are excited to go back to campus and put into action all they heard and responded to
Now here are some pics!
All the City Cru women
Main Session.
Christine and Matt at the Orphan Scholarship Fund Table. OSF was Matt's brainchild and Christine makes necklaces to raise money for the fund.
Jie, an international student from East Asia and Jessie,a Jewish student talking post conference. I love the diversity of our group.
Thanks for being the Body of Christ! Your prayer and financial support makes this possible!