Alex and I met with our directors Chris and Christine recently to discuss life and hear how the ministry was going up in San Francisco. One thing I've learned about ministry in general is the beauty of the seemingly littlest thing that can leave you refreshed and motivated, excited once again for what God has called you into. For example, Chris was describing the wry sense of humor of one of the new students in the ministry, Johno. Chris asked him what the weirdest costume he had seen in the city on Halloween (and Lord knows there are thousands of downright insane ones to choose from), the student replied,
"Well I saw a guy dressed up like Whinny the Pooh on the bus."
"What do you mean, like he was dressed up in a bear costume?" replied a confused Chris.
"Not know how Whinny the Pooh only wears a little red t-shirt?" the student said nonchalantly.
"Yeah," said Chris.
"...and he was covered in honey."
If every there was a story that encapsulates San Francisco and its students its that one. It may be a ridiculous true story, but it made me miss the students and the city so much. Hearing the way the student shrugged while telling the story like it was completely normal for a man to be naked on the bus except for a small red t-shirt and some honey reminded me once again how much San Francisco needs Jesus (and pants apparently) and how exciting it is there are students pursuing Jesus who meet the city where it is at and roll with all its weird bazaar punches.
Our conversation with Chris and Christine was encouraging, exciting and motivating. Not to mention City Cru at San Francisco State has momentum and students are bringing their friends and classmates into pursuing Jesus. Just this last week our directors told us they had the biggest turn out for D-Lab (the weekly meetings) ever. Praise the Lord, thanks for praying and please continue to.
I'd like to know how MUCH honey was involved. Are we talking about completely drenched here? If so, that's just impressive.
you and John-O in the same room=room imploding. Seriously- the conversations that arise are out of this world. so is the time traveling. I really want to be there when you meet! Hope all is well, and that you guys are heading up here soon!!
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