The week after Christmas Alex and I went to San Diego for the CCC Winter Conference (Not the Holiday Bowl). This conference is a place for students to come and learn practical ways in which they can share the love of Jesus with their college campuses. It is also a week of great fun and fellowship with students from all over California, Arizona and Hawaii.
Students worshipping in the new year
To be quite honest I don’t like conferences all that much, something about the constant meetings and constant input can be exhausted, but at the same time I realize the conference is not about me (thankfully) but rather about the students and capturing their hearts for Jesus. Alex and I ended up having a wonderful time. The highlight of our week was getting to meet new students from San Francisco State who I hadn’t known last year. Of the five students who came down, four of them I didn’t know, the fifth was Ty who was a freshman last year. Just being able to reconnect with students was refreshing and a great reminder of exactly why we are so excited to be up in San Francisco. They loved Jesus deeply and the conference helped to shape their passion for reaching their classmates for Christ. For Alex and me, seeing the hearts of San Francisco students longing for Jesus to be known at SFSU was a not so subtle reminder of God’s heart for the city but also his very specific call for our lives. Lucky for us, our call takes us straight to the college campus in one of the coolest cities in the world. We hope you are encouraged to hear that God is very tangibly moving in the City Cru movement at SFSU, and that your prayers and intercession for them have been a big part of that. Please continue to pray for the students of City Cru that God would continue to capture their heart and that they can take what they learned at the Winter Conference and apply it to their campus and city.
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