Hello everyone, a very happy first week of Spring to you all. Alex and I thought, seeing as this is a new season, that an update of what has been happening at San Francisco State would be a good way to kick off this new time of the year. We have spoken to our team and read their email/monthly updates and here is the exciting (and it is really exciting!) happenings at City Cru in San Francisco:
1) Freshman bible study in the dorms: The Lord has orchestrated a freshman girls study in one of the dorms on campus. This is huge and amazing and something that I'm not sure has ever been done on the San Francisco State campus. The fact that these girls, all in various stages of their walk with God, are interested in pursuing Jesus in community together point to the openness of this current college generation to the Gospel. So cool!2) More guys in the group: Ask anyone involved in church or para-church ministry and they will tell you inevitably women far outnumber men. But the Lord has been bringing an increased number of guys into City Cru who are stoked about Jesus. This is a huge answer to prayer!3) Increased student action/leadership: Not only has there been an increase in numbers but there has been an increase in students taking the initiative and leading other students to follow Christ together. From grass roots prayer gatherings to joining the staff team in "Student Action Dinners" where they brainstorm how to reach the campus for Christ in various ways (like a possible partnership with International Justice Mission at SFSU), the Lord is giving students the passion to bring Jesus to their Campus.
Obviously this is all very exciting stuff and it only makes Alex and I long even more to be finished raising support and be in ministry up in the City. We have confidence He will get us there soon and we know his timing is sovereign. But for now we just want to say, praise the Lord for the work He is doing in San Francisco! And thank you to those who are laboring in prayer for SF state students and also for our journey up to the city.
Alex Waidley
3:43 PM
New Happenings "Shpringing" up in City Cru
Josh & Alex

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